Conexus Healthcare is a federation (a group of GP practices) for all the practices across the Wakefield District in West Yorkshire. Collectively, we provide a platform for the voice of general practice across the district.
Our work includes:
Clinical Services
Our GP Care Wakefield brand provides evening and weekend appointments to support general practice with enhanced and urgent care. We also offer clinical research, health checks and staff banks.
Training and Consultancy
Our Resilience Academy and TARGET sessions benefit the Wakefield general practice workforce. Further afield, we’re known nationally for our care navigation, social prescribing and medical administration training.
GP and PCN Support
We give PCNs the practical support they need to employ staff, coordinate projects and be resilient. We’re proud to lead on Wakefield’s Future Selph programme; a mental health service for 16-25 year olds.
Corporate Services
Conexus delivers HR, communications, administration, governance, and financial support services to our PCNs and the wider Conexus family. We aim to provide this function to Wakefield general practices.

Our beliefs, principles, milestones, local partners and awards
Apply for jobs and apprenticeship opportunities, and find out about working at Conexus
Find out about the organisations we partner with and how to become a partner
Find out about the Conexus team and governance structures
Find out more about our Freedom to Speak Up Guardian
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