See something wrong.
Do something right. Speak up now.
One person can make a difference
All of us who work in Primary Care across the Wakefield district want to make sure that where we work and the services we deliver are the best and safest they can be. An important part of this is an open and honest culture, where everyone feels valued and supported and it is easy to raise any concerns that we may have.
Sometimes though, it’s not easy to know what to raise or who to discuss issues with. This is why we have a Freedom to Speak Up Guardian, an impartial person who listens to concerns raised by any employee of Conexus, our PCNs or GP Practices.
The Guardian provides confidential advice and support to anyone who raises a concern about local General Practice services. They have a crucial role in supporting people who feel they are unable to go through the usual organisational channels.
Speaking up about concerns helps to improve services to patients, creates a safer working environment and ensures that people who might not always have a voice, are listened to.
Even the smallest concern or issue can have an impact so if there is anything that is bothering you, however big or small , the Freedom to Speak Up Guardian is here to help.
Although it may feel a bit daunting, being heard, championing best practice and raising concerns is a constructive thing to do. The Freedom to Speak Up Guardian is here to help you take those positive steps.

Below is a short video which describes the role of the Freedom to Speak Up Guardian.
Confidentiality and anonymity
Our Freedom to Speak Up Guardian is fully independent. Their role is not to investigate issues but to ensure that matters are handled correctly and that anyone raising a concern is kept up to date with what has happened.
If you raise an issue, you can do so in confidence and you can also choose to remain anonymous if you so wish. You can email our Freedom to Speak up Guardian at or, if you would prefer not to leave your email address, you can complete the form below.
You can also write to:
Speak Up Guardian
Conexus Healthcare
Sandal Castle
Medical Centre
Asdale Road
Or you can telephone 01924 677033 and leave a message.
Thank you for taking the time to raise your issue.

If you choose to remain anonymous then please bear in mind that the Freedom to Speak Up Guardian will not be able to get back to you to report on progress and it could mean that they don’t have enough information to address your concerns fully.
Contact the Freedom to Speak Up Guardian