Get involved
On this page, you can find out more about how we engage with local practices to make sure their voice is truly heard around the Wakefield District healthcare system.
Practice involvement is at the heart of everything we do as a confederation to support our members but we’re always keen to explore new ways and keep these fresh. Please get in touch with us with suggestions and feedback – they’re always welcome!

Advisory Board
AGM and Annual Celebration
A chance to celebrate Conexus achievements from throughout the past year as well as the incredible work of general practice across the district. With a guest speaker, scrumptious lunch and chance to network with fellow general practice colleagues from across the district, it’s always a firm, popular favourite in the diary for practice managers and GPs.
Annual Survey
The NHS GP Practice Survey takes place every year. We support our practices to understand the results and help to put in plans where actions are required.
The combined efforts of our Practices, PCNs and GP Care resulted in Wakefield and district having higher than average patient satisfaction rates for 2023.
Read more about the results here.
Conexus e-Updates
Sent monthly to our practice subscribers, this is the best and easiest way to keep informed about upcoming events, changes to services and other developments in general practice, straight in your mailbox.
If you work in a local practice, join the mailing list today.
Engagement Sessions