Acute Respiratory Infection Hubs
If you are registered with a GP practice in the Wakefield District and feel unwell due to a respiratory illness, your practice may refer you to one of the GP Care Wakefield Respiratory Hubs.
We are working with our GP practices to provide additional same-day face to face appointments in our hubs for adults and children with respiratory symptoms .

How do I get an appointment?
Access to the hubs is via your own GP practice.
Please call your own practice and they will advise if you need to attend one of the Acute Respiratory hubs. If you need an appointment the practice team will book you in and confirm the time and location. You should also receive a text with these details.
Please note you must be registered at a practice in the Wakefield District.
Opening times:
Monday to Friday: 1pm – 6pm
All appointments must be pre-booked as this is not a walk-in service.

What will happen when I attend the Respiratory hub?
On arrival at Northgate Medical Centre:
Please report to the main reception and tell them that you have a Respiratory hub appointment. You will be asked to take a seat and then the GP or ANP (Advanced Nurse Practitioner) will call you in when they are ready for you.
On arrival at Trinity Medical Centre:
Please follow the signposting to the GPCW reception desk located on the left of the building and report to reception. You will be asked to take a seat and then the GP or ANP (Advanced Nurse Practitioner) will call you in when they are ready for you.
The GP or ANP will carry out a consultation with you or your child, provide appropriate advice and assess the need for treatment or referral on. The GP/ ANP will be able to access your GP record with your consent. If you do not consent to sharing your record with them, they will not be able to proceed with the consultation as they will not have your full medical history.
If you require a prescription this will be issued as an Electronic Prescription. This means your prescription will be sent electronically to the pharmacy of your choice and you can collect your medicine without having to hand in a paper prescription.
There is a pharmacy located on site at Trinity Medical Centre and the closest pharmacy to Northgate Surgery is Cohens Chemist (WF8 1HJ) just across the road from the practice.
You can use this link to find the closest pharmacy to you: Find an NHS pharmacy
If required, the GP or ANP may arrange for you to be followed up with another service and will provide you with all the details about this.
Details of your consultation in the Respiratory hub will be recorded in your GP record and available to your own practice team immediately after your appointment.
Acute Respiratory Hub Locations
Our afternoon respiratory clinics are available by appointment-only. If you are booked in for a face-to-face appointment this will be at either Trinity Medical Centre or Northgate Medical Centre.
Useful Information
Onsite parking is available at both sites.
Due to limited parking space at Northgate Surgery, if this is full, please use the Morrisons car park located opposite the surgery.
Useful Resources
West Yorkshire Healthier Together is a new website developed by local healthcare professionals to help parent and carers decide where to find advice or treatment for their children.
Feedback and complaints
Please get in touch with our clinical services team. By knowing about the problem, we can try our best to solve it straightaway for you.
Contact us
The link below will take you directly to our contact page should you want to get in touch.
CQC Rating : Good