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NHS Confed Expo – A Digital Transformation Team view

On Wednesday 12th June, Julie, Louise and Hannah from the Digital and Transformation team attended NHS Confed Expo in Manchester. The expo is one of the largest health and care conferences in the UK and is delivered in partnership by the NHS Confederation and NHS England.

The team attended several talks covering a variety of topics including; digital front door to general practice, digital inclusion, an AI-driven healthcare future and many more. The thought-provoking talk ‘Supporting Digitally Engaged Citizens’ discussed how the NHS App has evolved over recent years and can massively help support patient engagement within primary care. An emphasis was placed on how the NHS App is advancing to include functionality to support prevention of health conditions and promote healthy lifestyles. Throughout the conference, there was lots of discussion about Modern General Practice and creating a digital front door into general practice. We heard from the Practice Manager of New Islington Medical Centre who described how digital transformation is a core element set out in the Delivery Plan for Recovering Access to Primary Care and explained how her practice has eradicated the 8am telephone rush with a total triage online consultation model.

Networking with suppliers and software companies was an interesting and large part of the day. We had positive conversations with Google Health, Anima, GP automate, Redmoor Health, Abtrace, Oracle and many more about how general practice can be supported with new transformational software and different ways of working. Following these conversations, the team have arranged follow-up calls with suppliers.

The conference sparked new ideas for the digital and transformation team to explore further. We look forward to attending the NHS Confed Expo in 2025!

If you have any questions about the Digital Transformation team’s visit to the NHS Expo or want to know how the team can support you please contact us.

A tale in three parts:

About Conexus

Conexus is the federation of GP practices in the Wakefield District. By connecting together, we are stronger, more resilient and can care effectively for over 386,000 local people.

Registered in England & Wales No: 10772469 | Copyright © 2021 | Federation Website Design by iatro.

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