Women's Health


Women's health, including access to contraception and menopause services, is a key focus for us.  

Across the Wakefield District, we want to make sure that all our GPs and clinicians are kept up to date with the latest developments in women's health in primary care.

This page provides resources and links to the latest guidance and training.  It is mainly for health and care professionals but we also know that many women take an active role in looking after themselves and so this information is available for anyone to read.

Training opportunities

  • Theramex, supported by the Primary Care Women’s Health Forum. The training is available to all clinicians, including pharmacists, GPs, and nurses.

  • Menopause Mentoring Programme 
  • Duration: 12 weeks
  • Structure: Divided into groups (Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced)
  • Sessions: 3 Zoom sessions with mentors (1 hour each), plus personal learning
  • Mentorship: Includes a 1:1 session with a mentor to discuss queries or cases

News and Updates

About Conexus

Conexus is the federation of GP practices in the Wakefield District. By connecting together, we are stronger, more resilient and can care effectively for over 386,000 local people.

Registered in England & Wales No: 10772469 | Copyright © 2021 | Federation Website Design by iatro.

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