Social Prescribing Training Courses

Announcement: Our Level 3 Social Prescribing Qualification is now PCI accredited!

The course creators of the Level 3 qualification are proud to announce it has officially become accredited by the Personalised Care Institution (PCI). Set up between Conexus Healthcare, Bromley by Bow Centre and the University of East London, The Social Prescribing Qualification Partnership has just passed the PCI’s rigorous quality assurance and accreditation framework, making…

Walking part 2: 5 benefits of walking in the morning

Walking part 2: 5 benefits of walking in the morning In a previous blog on 10 benefits of walking we learnt that walking is one of the best activities that we can do.  Walking not only helps us live longer and better but it improves mood and productivity to name but a few.  I’d like…

Health and Wellbeing Top Tips- ‘Lifestyle Medicine’

Health and Wellbeing Top Tips- ‘Lifestyle Medicine’ Today’s blog will focus on changes to our modern lifestyles and provide some top tips to optimise our Health and Wellbeing. What if I told you we have the ability to change the expression of our genes? Now before you get carried away and think ‘I’ve always wanted…

About Conexus

Conexus is the federation of GP practices in the Wakefield District. By connecting together, we are stronger, more resilient and can care effectively for over 386,000 local people.

Registered in England & Wales No: 10772469 | Copyright © 2021 | Federation Website Design by iatro.

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