Circadian Rhythm- Sleep-wake cycle. Light is information!

Circadian Rhythm- Sleep-wake cycle. Light is information! Everyone knows a morning person, someone with a lot of energy first thing in the morning. You may be reading this thinking, “I’m definitely not a morning person!”. Well, it turns out that every single one of us has our own, individual internal body clock known as our…

Walking- 10 benefits to walking more

Walking- 10 benefits to walking more   May is National Walking Month, so hopefully a lot of us have managed to get outside more and get those steps in! But the reality is this can be difficult for a lot of people and sadly the way our 21st century environments are shaped, they don’t exactly…

5 tips for handling conflict in general practice

5 tips for handling conflict in general practice We’ve all received that text message from a loved one and thought, “Wow, that was a bit short! And only one x?” or heard a story about someone we thought we knew kick-off and said, “Ooh, that’s not like her!” In both cases, it’s fair to say…

About Conexus

Conexus is the federation of GP practices in the Wakefield District. By connecting together, we are stronger, more resilient and can care effectively for over 386,000 local people.

Registered in England & Wales No: 10772469 | Copyright © 2021 | Federation Website Design by iatro.

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